Friday, September 14, 2007


I can't believe we are now two weeks into the school year. Yep, it is officially fall. LOL It was 93 degrees here Monday, and only 63 degrees yesterday. So, it looks like the warm summer weather is over. I reallly like the fall weather, a little more gray. But, I want to get more done inside. So hopefully I can get some heritige scrapbooking done done done.

Kassie is adjusting to her life as a blind pekingese. She is getting much better at using her ears and nose. It is kinda funny when she is looking for food to watch her follow her nose! Aspen is enjoying the bark bark bark of her morning routine when the kids leave for school.

I got a bunch of stuff organized for my November CKC in Seattle. Now, I am organizing some paper.... that is always hard. I guess I should use more and buy less.

Thinking of going to the beach for the weekend. Just to relax! We'll see. Ahhh Friday, as Martha would say, 'its a good thing."


Sue said...

Hey...where did your GeoCounter go?

You can send some of that cooler weather Florida way. We won't get our first cool down til sometime around...Thanksgiving!

Denise said...

it was nice to see you this weekend!! beach does you good!!