Monday, September 29, 2008

Have you ever?

Have You Ever…
1. gone on a blind date? Yes, a few
2. skipped school? Yep, in high school & college
3. been on the opposite side of your country? Born there!
4. swam in the ocean? Many times
5. had your booze taken away by the cops? No, which surprises me!
6. lettered in a high school sport? No… quit before I was an upperclassman
7. cried yourself to sleep? Yes, a few times
8. played a musical instrument? Guitar
9. sung karaoke? Many many many times!
10. cheated on an exam? nope
11. played spin-the-bottle? Yep
12. laughed until some sort of beverage came out of your nose? No, lol
13. watched the sun rise with someone you care about? Yes
14. ever been arrested? no.
15. gone ice skating? yes, my dad took me often as a child
16. been skinny dipping? Yes a few times
17. been on television? Yes, but in a group
18. thrown up in front of a date? no

Your turn. Blog it and tell me where in the comments section! Happy Monday to you all!

1 comment:

ya ya's mom said...

go leave a comment on my post with your link dammit!