Thursday, April 12, 2007


OK, I am tired now! I have spent the whole day working on taxes, and am not done. I hate that feeling. Hopefully it will all come together tomorrow and I can hit the submit button. During this time I forget why I quit using a professional. But, I think I still take more care than most! And, I would be organizing it anyway, so oh well.

Alec is home sick today. He says he has a stomach ache. Hard to tell with him. Is it the age? Is it the Aspergers? Is it the stomach? Notice I always think it is that he is sick last. I feel badly that I think like that, but he has trained me well I guess.

I have so much to do between now and the CTMH cruise it is starting to freak me out. But, I am going to compartmentalize and move forward. I can do this! Right now I am all about getting the taxes DONE. Then I can move onto my Heirloom show in Puyallup next month. OK it is true the 20th and 21st will be here before I know it. Hopefully I am in better shape than I realize. But, I have to get on the stick and get some helpers for this show! Hehehehe. The heirloom gals have called me twice now, the pressure! I can get it together.... I think. I can, I can, I can. Maybe if I keep saying that out loud I will.

The sky is overcast today. This is good because it makes me feel more like working and less like playing. I would also like to be sending out some letters to potential new consultants. I guess I have to do the Heirloom stuff first, after the taxes. Taxes. Don't ya just hate taxes. Too many issues in 2006, with the move to the city and all. Oh well, I am off to the doctor with Alec now, and then back to the taxes..... LOL

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