Thursday, January 17, 2008

What to do? what to do?

Feeling overwhelmed, as usual, at the situation with Alec. This parenting thing is tooo darn hard! Grrrr. I know God gave him to us to raise for a reason. But, honestly, sometimes I don't feel like I am helping at all. The latest is that I can not get Alec to go to school. The anxiety that surrounds the idea of school is soooo high. So, he is home with no TV, computer, electronics... pestering me. Now, it isn't that I mind him around. But, he wants me to entertain him instead of get anything else done. It is just so crazy. What makes me crazy is that NO ONE seems to know what to do and how to help. I am seriously thinking about writing to Dr Phil as a last resort.... how sad that it has gotten here. But honestly, someone give me a plan that will work for longer than 10 minutes. ALec gives lip service to doing the right thing and going to school.... but everyday there is some different reason that he can't deal. Anyone know any specialists in Asperger's? Willing to move ANYWHERE at this point! Oh brother.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, the wisdom to know the difference, ... and the strengh to carry on. Amen


Denise said...

Oh sweetie. .. I am so sorry. I have no idea what to say. but you knwo I'll do what I can fro you. Bet you want to take Alec for a few days?? LOL You know I will. He & Cam do well. Anyhoo- I think you need a spa day.. I'm ready!!

Unknown said...

Liane, having teenagers is tough. Stick in there. Ideas. 1) What about giving him a list of chores to do around the house if he is off school? 2)The other alternative is home schooling him. 3)I guess I would find something at school where he can belong and then he would like school a little bit better.
In 3 years I will have 4 teenagers in my household. Yikes!!!!