Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Foxy Roxy

After much deliberation we have finally picked a name for the new black lab. Her name is ROXY. We really wanted it to have the "ee" ending, thus Roxy. It took a ton of work for the four of us to agree on anything.... and honestly Alec never agreed. He did not want to change her name, no matter what. But, Libby was the name of one of the gals in our wedding, and it just felt weird to me. So, Roxy it is! Woohoo, she has a name.

I am going to do something I seldom do, get serious! I want to THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart... So many of you have sent private emails or posted that you are praying for us with Alec. Words can not express how much I appreciate this. And, I think it is going to work! We had a good appointment yesterday. He even did a little homework last night. I so hope that he understands that if he comes home with less than 2 A's and 2 B's at progress reports that he will be losing his electronics until the next grading period. His therapist was trying to explain this to him yesterday. We also agreed that when he does come home with these good grades, we will plan a family outing to the zoo or another animal rich place... he wants to be a vet. So, thank you all for your prayers and support. They mean a lot to me! =-)


Sue said...

And since you've changed her name to Roxy, I guess that means she's stayin' put!! Yup, all four of you are mushes!

Denise said...

Roxy.. glad that works for you all... Now have the RoxyHart vision in my head. Anyhoo- good to hear the appts. went well with Alec. hope it's something he can do & stick with

Unknown said...

She's a beauty. The Lab is the best dog ever. How fortunate you are to have her. I like Roxy for a name.
Hopin' Alec brings home those grades. Cause no electronics is a serious punishment.